am still trying to catch up on posting for this week... it really was a busy one, who am I kidding I think they are all busy ones I guess that is why I haven't started a blog earlier, but I have been inspired this time with all the cool stuff going on around me. I am also learning that while I write this I have to hit save botton every three or four statements because it is so easy for me to loose the stuff I am writing about. Last Sunday I made some kale chips while watching the Buffalo Bills, the chips were a big hit. I have been hearing a lot them for a while, when I was working the market a few weeks ago people where buying kale to make chips. I have put kale in soup before and I really like that... I might make some soup later this week with kale. Anyhow every magazine that I have picked up in the last week has talked about the chips and how healthy kale is for you. Kale is rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C.K and A, calcium , iron and fiber. The picture of the kale is from the family farm that I always talk about. So these kale chips are crazy easy... clean and dry the kale. I think the salad spinner works best, because it dries the kale very well. Also keep in mind when you are working with organic and local you may find bugs in your vegetables, this is completely normal, so you always need to check out for little bugs. Once you have cleaned the kale , cut into small bite size pieces with out the stem. Put in a bowl and mix about 1 tablespoon of olive oil and some sea salt or kosher salt- be careful with the salt, the first time I made the chips I got a little to happy with the salt and put way to much. I would use about a pinch or two of salt. When I looked at the kale in the bowl I never thought that the oil and the salt will cover all the kale but it does.Then take some parchment paper on a cookie sheet and make one layer and spread out, you do not want them to overlap. Cook in the oven for 20 mins.on 350 degrees .When done they will be crispy.Very easy !
Kale Chips
I bunch of kale
1 tablespoon of olive
a few pinches of sea salt
Clean and dry kale. Mix with oil and salt in a bowl. Spread on cookie sheet with parchment paper and cook for 20 minutes on 350 degrees in the oven.
On Monday I did Food Stamp Outreach in Springville and Sardinia, I go out there once a month. This time on my way home I stopped at Earls on Route 16 and met a friend who lives about 30 minutes futher out. I have known this friend for about 17-18 years we met at a job in Buffalo and she is from the burbs and so is her husband, they moved to the next county and it is pretty rural. I was at their house a few years ago and they had goats ,rabbits, chickens and a big garden with lots of garlic and potatoes. They dug up garlic and potatoes and gave me some that day. They got a way from the goats, rabbits and the garden now they have cows and chickens. My friends brought pictures of the cows and they were beautiful, I can't wait to meet them. I have no idea when I started to think cows were beautiful- but I do.... when I go to their house I will take pictures and post them and I think you may think the same too! Anyhow my friend and I decided to barter- I brought her pickled garlic scrapes and a jar a pear jam and she brought me peach syrup that they made and eggs. I haven't tried the syrup yet, I am sure it great... and the eggs they are huge and beautiful.
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