I am am still not current with my post but I hope to be by the end of this coming week... Last Saturday which seems so very very far away.... I started my day at the Clinton Bailey market.. I think I made it there around 7:50 AM- too late to buy at carrots- they were sold out already. I ended up buying two celery, two kale, cauliflower,green onions and parsley from my favorite farm stand. I had to buy apples - to make a pie for my parents who were celebrating 46 years of marriage. So I asked my friends who I should buy the apples from and they send me a few stands down... I ended spending half an hour talking to this farmer learning about Asian pears and apples. The asian pears where ok.. they were a bit expensive - I thought- $5.00 for a quart basket, he sold them to me for $4.00. I wasn't crazy about them at first but they tasted great in my applesauce. They kind of remind me of a cross between and apple and a pear. The apples I bought were out of this world...I went back this Saturday but he wasn't there when I got there. He had these huge jona golds and Cortlands. The courtlands were very good and were just perfect for pie making, I only need 7 apples to make this nice big pie. The more I talk to the farmers I learned how hard it is sell produce- everybody wants something for nothing... and these farmers take so much pride and time in growing and sharing their food and someone want them to sell all their hard work for nothing... Its crazy !
The second half of my day was at Horsefeathers... It is this place on Connecticut and Normal Streets on Buffalo's West Side. On October 22nd- Horsefeathers had their grand opening and celebrated Food Day. What is Food Day ? Food Day seeks to bring together Americans from all walks of life—parents, teachers, and students; health professionals, community organizers, and local officials; chefs, school lunch providers, and eaters of all stripes—to push for healthy, affordable food produced in a sustainable, humane way. We will work with people around the country to create thousands of events in homes, schools, churches, farmers markets, city halls, and state capitals.. Horsefeather plans are to have Lofts upstairs and on the main level to have an indoor market. Inside there were different vendors including wine tasting, Pasta Peddlers. Outside there were Lloyds and the Whole Hog Food Trucks. I bought a burrito from Lloyds Food Truck, it was very good. They reminded me of this great place in Albany on Lark Street called Bombers ! I was at this event because I am part of this committee called Erie Niagara County Nutrition Committee, we had a table with the Food Bank of WNY and we were trying to have people join . Overall it was a pretty good event. And My parents were very happy with their apple pie !
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